Anthony Quinn University Scholarship Fund

Janet and Judy with Anthony Quinn scholarship recipients

In 2018 an incredibly special Tamil man, and a great friend of Ten for Tamils, died from dengue fever in a camp he had fled to during the war. Anthony Quinn introduced Judy to, and educated her, about the widows in the camp.

It was always his dream to go to university, so in his honour we began a scholarship to support Tamil students through university. The five students received $25 per month which helped pay for their board, if they were from the country, or their books.

In October 2023, Janet and Judy were delighted to meet three of the recipients of this Ten for Tamils scholarship in Jaffna, who had all graduated last year. Arum, who is in the centre of the photograph, is studying for her Master’s in Economics this year, which we are delighted to support.

Arumuganathan said, “Thank you for supporting my education. Without you we could not do it.” 

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