Anthony Quinn University Scholarship Fund

In 2018 an incredibly special Tamil man, and a great friend of Ten for Tamils, died from dengue fever in a camp he had fled to during the war. Anthony Quinn introduced Judy to, and educated her, about the widows in the camp.

It was always his dream to go to university, so in his honour we began a scholarship to support Tamil students through university. The five students received $25 per month which helped pay for their board, if they were from the country, or their books.

In October 2023, Janet and Judy were delighted to meet three of the recipients of this Ten for Tamils scholarship in Jaffna, who had all graduated last year. Arum, who is in the centre of the photograph, is studying for her Master’s in Economics this year, which we are delighted to support.

Arumuganathan said, “Thank you for supporting my education. Without you we could not do it.” 

Child’s Rights Course 2023

The Centre for Women and Development, with the support of Ten for Tamils, are committed towards keeping children safe and protecting them from all forms of harm and abuse. 

We see the protection of children and their well-being as a fundamental element in our work. 

In July 2023 we conducted a three-month course for twenty-four women, which focused on minimising these risks for children and creating awareness on how they can be protected.

In 2024, we are committed to extending this course for the benefit of the Jaffna Community.

In October 2023, the Centre for Women and Development conducted a small ceremony to honour the participants and award their certificates
In October 2023, the Centre for Women and Development conducted a small ceremony to honour the participants and award their certificates

Covid Food Distribution

Like many other countries around the world, the Sri Lankan Government imposed curfew orders and issued a strict order for people not to move about.

The workers and daily wage earners that we help support suffered a lot .There there was a call from the divisional Secretary to the NGOs to provide support to them .Ten for Tamils was more than happy to oblige by providing items such as dry rations.

Dry rations on their way to villagers.

Calls were received from villages that were very badly affected asking bread, dry rations ,milk powder and so on. But distributing things needed permission from the GA police and curfew authorities. Permission from the GA was sought after some effort and once the curfew was lifted distribution could begin.

Receiving dry rations.

Sri Lanka is going to have a very difficult time as the deteriorating economy and import restrictions will adversely affect the population, especially the marginalised groups.

More aid in the future is needed. If you can help please donate to Ten for Tamils.

Six Hundred String Hoppers a Day

Inthirikumar Marijenta, gets up at 2am every morning and makes six hundred string hoppers a day which she sells to University students. She gets 3 rupee [3 cents] for one string hopper which gives her a good income of 1800 rupee[18 dollars] per day. She works seven days per week to earn this. Continue reading “Six Hundred String Hoppers a Day”

Sapapathypillai Aid is Delivered

Recently selected families at Sapapathypillai camp received goods and food costing 109,000 Rupees (AU$1090). For conversion purposes 100 Rupee is equivalent to AU$1.

This amount was spent as follows:

  • Rs 42,200 for poultry with care. This goes to 6 women
  • Rs 10,000 goes to Antony to upgrade his grocery shop
  • Rs 5,000 goes to a woman to make Palmyra products.
  • Rs 32,800 goes to women for various other livelihoods These women will make and sell home made food items. One woman will begin making chilli powder.
  • Admin and transport costs Rs 19,000
New chook sheds built from money from Ten for Tamils.
New chook sheds built from money from Ten for Tamils.

As can be seen Australian dollars go a long way to helping the Tamils.

Please help out with a small donation and see how much difference you can make to a Tamil’s life.